Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

homograp and homophones

Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but have different meanings and are often pronounced differently as well. Some examples of homographs are:
  • bass as in fish vs bass as in music
  • bow as in arrow vs bow as in bending or taking a bow at the end of a performance
  • close as in next to vs close as in shut the door
  • desert as in dry climate vs desert as in leaving alone.
Currently, VocabularySpellingCity cannot distinguish between homographs, as we are unable to have two pronounciations for the exact same word. We are looking for possibilities in the future.

Heteronyms or Heterophones
Same Spelling, Different Pronunciations, Different Meanings. All heteronyms are homographs, but not all homographs are heteronyms. See why this concept can be so confusing to learn?
  • Wind: I need to wind the alarm clock so I can fly my kite in the early morning gusty wind.
  • Record: Please record the program when they try to beat the world record for word nerdiness.
  • Excuse: Please excuse this poor excuse for art.
Capitonyms are different words spelled the same except for the capitalization. Sometimes they are pronounced the same, sometimes they are not.
  • Turkey: I like to visit the country of Turkey and eat that American bird, turkey.
  • Mobile: My mobile phone ironically did not work in Mobile, Alabama. 
  • May: In May, when spring is almost over, I may pack away my winter clothes. 
  • March: On the Ides of March, we will march in the parade. 
  • Polish: The Polish refugee said nothing but went straight to work putting polish on the silver.

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