Jumat, 08 April 2016

free morpheme and bound morpheme

Free Morphemes and Bound Morphemes


Morphology is the study of morpheme obviously. The definition of morphemes is the smallest meaningful unit that has grammatical function. For instance, the word tourist contains three morphemes. Those are one minimal unit of meaning tour, another minimal unit of meaning -ist (person who does something) and one minimal unit of grammatical function –s (indicating plural).

A bound morpheme is a morpheme (or word element) that cannot stand alone as a word.
A free morpheme is a morpheme (or word element) that can stand alone as a word. Also called an unbound morpheme or a free-standing morpheme.

Free and Bound Morphemes

There is a broad distinction between two types of morphemes, free and bound. Free morphemes are the set of separate English word forms such as basic nouns and verbs that can stand by themselves as a single word such as open and tour. Then bound morphemes are morphemes that typically need to be attached to another form, exemplified as re-, -ist. This last set is identified as affixes. When free morphemes used with bound morphemes attached are technically known as stems. For example:
care -less -ness
stem suffix suffix
free bound bound

However, there are a number of English words in which their stems are factually not free morphemes. In words such as receive, reduce, re- at the beginning of those words are identified as the bound morphemes but the elements –ceive, -duce are not separate words and free morphemes. So these types of form are described as ‘bound stems’ to distinguish them from ‘free stems’ such as dress and care.

Morphology merupakan bisang ilmu yang membahas kata dasar dan imbuhan. Objek dari morphology adalah morpheme. Secara garis besar, morpheme dibagi menjadi free morpheme dan bound morpheme.
Free morpheme (FM) adalah kata yang dapat berdiri sendiri dan berpotensi membentuk kata. Jenis FM ada dua, yaitu lexical morpheme dan functional morpheme. Lexical morpheme dapat menerima imbuhan baik suffix atupun prefix. Sebagai contoh:
Noun House + s Houses
Adjective Un + Happy Unhappy
Verb Write + s Writes
Adverb Slow + ly Slowly
Sementara itu, functional morpheme tidak dapat menerima imbuhan, diantaranya:
1. Pronoun: I, You, They, We, He, She, It
2. Conjunction: And, But, Before, … etc
3. Preposition: In, At, On, … etc
4. Interjection: Ah, Hai, Hallo, Wow, … etc
5. Article: A, An, The
6. Demostrative: That, This, These, Those
Bound Morpheme (BM) merupakan morpheme yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, tidak berpotensi membentuk kata namun berpotensi membentuk imbuhan. Adapun jenisnya adalah Derivational Morpheme (DM) dan Inflectional Morpheme (IM). DM dapat membentuk kata baru. Sedangkan makna dan kelas kata dapat berubah atau tidak. DM terbagi menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu:
a. Derivational prefix: Irregular, Dislike
b. Derivational suffix: Careless, Fortunately
Kata irregular dan dislike di atas telah mendapatkan prefix ir dan dis. Penambahan prefix di atas jelas merubah maknanya bahkan menjadi antonim dari kata asalnya yaitu regular dan like. Meski demikian, kelas kata tidak mengalami perubahan yaitu tetap adjective (irregular dan regular) dan verb transitif (like dan dislike). Seringkali, kata-kata yang dibentuk DM mengubah kelas katanya, misal —ness mengubah adjective good menjadi noun goodness.
Sementara itu, IM tidak dapat membentuk kata baru. Makna dan kelas kata tidak berubah. Lebih tepatnya, IM digunakan untuk kebutuhan grammar misalnya untuk menunjukkan apakah suatu kata plural atau singular noun, past atau bukan, atau apakah comparative atau possesive. Misalnya morpheme —ed ditambahkan pada verb produce untuk membentuk past tense produced, morpheme —est ditambahkan pada adjective tall untuk membentuk superlative tallest.



5 komentar:

  1. you said, Lexical morpheme dapat menerima imbuhan baik suffix atupun prefix. is it still can we say as Free Morpheme ? even though have been added s, un, etc?
    or it is said free morpheme, before or after we add the sufix or prefix ?

  2. what is difference between lexical and prefix or suffix? yang kita tahu sama sama memiliki imbuhan? thanks friend

  3. is there any derivational infix ?

  4. what are the differences between lexical and prefix or suffix?

  5. Free morpheme and bound morpheme
    Tolong bantu kak
